cm ne la kn.... ngah dgr lagu ngah lyan fb, ym... tetibe PAP!!! wah keadaan d sekeliling ku gelap gelite... pergh... dh la sorg je ko ofis... i mean my department.... bos x de... staff yg laen pn sume x de...
ok sye tediam sebentar.... dia pending sekejap.. hehehe....
ble dh dwnloading... bru angkat sume brg.. kuar... hahahaha... ofis nie trang sgt plak kn.. dat's y ak angkat kaki trus... yg laen sume kt luar.... ku bilang dkat akak (staff sni)... 'akak sye nk kuar dlu ek... nk amik wallet kt umah' hahahaha.... tp mse 2 mmg walet tinggal plak kn kt umah... pg nie serbe x kne plak... adoiii!!!!
tpon tika sroh tron kt tmpat keje... lg pn mmg nk g kuar mkn ngan membe... hehehehe..... pas2 satu lg bale plak... lupe plak ak... letrik x palang paking mne bleh grak kn... aiyoo!!!! pe ak nk wt nie... dh la keja mase nie... ishhh....
nasib baek la mase 2 org sume nk kuar kn... ade sa2 org nie ak x tau la nk panggl pakcik ke... pe kn... x sure dia lecturer ke... org staff bkn akademik... dia pn ngan yg laen dgn slumbernye amik spana o watever yg sewak2 dgn nye... pg bukak palang 2... ak tyme 2 mmg x gelak gler2 la kn... hahahaaha... ak ngan tika.. x bleh tahan la.... nie pn sa2... dh tau kejadian sebegini mmg akan belaku x yah la pasang pagar... (lbh kurang cm pagar la) dkat ngan palang 2... kan x psal2 dh kne cabot.. hahahahaha....
ktorg g mkn kt cempake rimbe.. kompleks pkns... satu hal plak kne 2gu yg laen.. dh la prot ngah lapa plak kn... tp nasib baek ktorg order dulu.. so mkn la dulu.... heheehehe...
pas2 blik la kt tmpt keje nie... x de letrik gak...
adoi!!! dh la panas nie...
sengal btol la....
selepas 2 mcm kesimpulan yg tlah dibuat...
...... x bayar bil ker???!!!
heheheheehe.... hanye mreke yg tau...
saya bukan yuna. ~~sekian~~ this blog is about my life with my family, friends. what happen around me. and some information to be shared
Isnin, 31 Mei 2010
tempat keje x de letrik???!!!!
Ahad, 30 Mei 2010
suddenly we talk bout' dreams...
i hav a dreams... a dreams dat i must achieve... b4 my age going to 30.. i think 30la.. hehehehe
here are the list of my dreams dat i hav 2 achieve... n its not jus a dreams i want to make it true...
1. most impotrant i want to lose some weight... bout 20 o 25 kg...
2. i want honda city new edition if possible caldina.. but meanwhile i think myvi SE orange color is ok... (ikot kemampuan)
3. i'm don't want to be a secretary 4eve!!! so in 2 o 3 years i must continue my study... in Business major in International Business.. HOPEFULLY!!! i guess...
4. rite now i hav 2 find a boyfriend myb its not necessary but my mom always asking me when do i hav a bf... so i hav find 'him' to not let my mom keep asking me... if i dun find it hrmm... myb my mom will find 'him' for me... by my age 23...
5. i should hav been round this m'sia by the age 30.. including sabah n sarawak... n all the pulau2 in m'sia myb not all... hehehee hopefully...
6. i want my own house.. like a big one... hehehhehe...
7. wat more??? there's more i think... when its come i'll write it down...
hopefully wat i'm planning is going to be true... AMIN....
here are the list of my dreams dat i hav 2 achieve... n its not jus a dreams i want to make it true...
1. most impotrant i want to lose some weight... bout 20 o 25 kg...
2. i want honda city new edition if possible caldina.. but meanwhile i think myvi SE orange color is ok... (ikot kemampuan)
3. i'm don't want to be a secretary 4eve!!! so in 2 o 3 years i must continue my study... in Business major in International Business.. HOPEFULLY!!! i guess...
4. rite now i hav 2 find a boyfriend myb its not necessary but my mom always asking me when do i hav a bf... so i hav find 'him' to not let my mom keep asking me... if i dun find it hrmm... myb my mom will find 'him' for me... by my age 23...
5. i should hav been round this m'sia by the age 30.. including sabah n sarawak... n all the pulau2 in m'sia myb not all... hehehee hopefully...
6. i want my own house.. like a big one... hehehhehe...
7. wat more??? there's more i think... when its come i'll write it down...
hopefully wat i'm planning is going to be true... AMIN....
Khamis, 27 Mei 2010
aktiviti sepanjang setengah tahun nie...
dh lme dh x tulis kt blog nie... nie mesti panjang nk tulih nie... heheheheok... kte start dr the latest la ek... baru2 nie umah nenek de wat kenduri rsenye sume tau kenduri 2 pe so x yah trangkn lg la ek... tp pe yg penting mase kenduri 2 adalah yumyum mesti ar makanan dia... mmg terbaek la... NASI AMBENG
nie la rupe NASI AMBENG
kalo dh mkn mesti kne abis kn.. kalo x nnt nenek mesti marah.... heheheehe... so nie gamba yg dh licin... hehehehe.....

itu aktiviti bulan Mei... Skrang nie bln April plak....
pe yg de mse April ek.. owh.. haa... My Graduation Day n Secretary's Week....
mase nk konvo nie pn mcm jd la.... mcm mslah yg timbol...
1. sebahagian kami grad berlainan hari... so kami sume tepisah... huhuhu... x dpat nk wat pillow talk...hahahahaaha
2. ye la mase konvo kn family masing2 de... so x dpt la nk meluangkn mase besame2.. mne yg sempat je...
3. tragedi yg x dpt d lupekn mse tarikh keramat nie... SYUD xsiden!!!.... mmg ak tekejot la...
nie adalah sebhgian pic konvo.... hehehehe....
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