Jumaat, 2 Oktober 2009

untuk ilangkan tension 2

Dua ekor hantu bertemu dan bercerita bagaimana mereka mati.....
>Hantu 1 : Macamana ko boleh mati?
>Hantu 2 : Aku mati sebab kesejukan...
>Hantu 1 : Macamana rasanya mati dalam kesejukan tu?
>Hantu 2 : Sebenarnya aku terkurung dalam peti ais. Mula-mula aku cuma
>menggigil,pas tu anggota badan aku mula membeku, kemudian aku rasa dunia
>aku gelap dan akhirnya....tapi aku bersyukur sebab aku mati tanpa banyak
>Hantu 1 : Ishh...kesiannya kau
>Hantu 2 : Ko pulak, macamana kau boleh mati...?
>Hantu 1 : Aku kena serangan jantung...
>Hantu 2 : Oooo..cam mana ko boleh kena serangan jantung?
>Hantu 1 : Sebenarnya aku dapat tau isteri aku curang. Suatu hari, aku
>balik ke rumah secara mengejut la. Aku nampak ada kasut lelaki kat depan
>pintu. Aku tau ah mesti isteri aku tengah bermesra dengan jantan lain. Aku
>lari masuk bilik tido, ada isteri aku ja..aku rasa mesti jantan tu tengah
>sembunyi kat mana-mana...aku lari masuk bilik air, tak dak gak, aku lari ke
>tingkat bawah, tengok dalam stor, pun tak ada..aku lari naik tingkat atas
>balik, tengok dalam almari..sebab terlalu penat aku lari la aku kena sakit
>jantung..memang sakit dan akhirnya....
>Hantu 2 : Apsal ko tak tengok dalam peti ais...?? kalau tak, kita dorang
>masih hidup lagi sekarang ni...

untuk ilangkan tension...

Kenape orang baru bercinta suka meraba-raba?
Sebab cinta itu buta

Lubang ape yang rasanye hangat,nikmat dan nyaman?
LU BANGun pagi2, tarik selimut pas tu tido balik.

Minyak ape yang disukai oleh lelaki?
MINYAKsikan pertandingan bolasepak Liga-M

Kuih ape yang bungkusnya di dalam, isinya di luar?
Kuih salah bikin.

Binatang ape power Karate?
Kuda belang.cube kira brape black belt dia ade.

Siape yang menemukan dompet kulit?
Yang menemukan dompet kulit tersebut tolong pulangkan kepada saye.

Pintu ape yang walaupun dengan 10 org pun tak leh nak tolak?
Pintu yang ade tulis 'TARIK'

Saya ade 3 kepala,4 tangan dan 5 kaki...siapakah saya?

Apa dia 'Jauh di mata, dekat di hati'?

Binatang ape yang seluruh anggota tubuhnya kat kepala?
Kutu rambut

Nenek sape jalannya meloncat-loncat?
Neneknye si katak

Knape lelaki jarang kene penyakit anjing gila?
Sbb lelaki ni kan 'buaya'

Ape beza sekretari baik ngan sekretari kurang baik?
Sekretari baik..................'Selamat pagi tuan'
Sekretari kurang baik...........'Dah pagi ni tuan'

Ape persamaan Michael Jordan ngan Michael Jackson?
Dua-dua tak kenal korang...hehe

Tukang ape yang kalau dipanggil, die menjenguk ke atas?
Tukang gali kubur

Nak mencari sikit punye susah, bile dah dapat buang, ape bendanya?
Tahi hidung

Ape persamaan kain jemuran ngan telefon?
Dua-dua kalau dah 'kringgg' bole diangkat...

Knape pokok kelapa kat depan rumah harus ditebang?
Mestilah kene tebang, sape nak cabut pokok kelapa ...gile ape...

Gajah terbang dengan ape?
Dengan susah payah......

sesuatu yang anda tak terfikir dann terfikir langsung....

1. Sekurang-kurangnya ada 5 orang dalam dunia ini menyayangi anda dan sanggup mati kerana anda.
> >2. Sekurang-kurangnya ada 15 orang dalam dunia ini menyayangi anda dalam beberapa cara.
>3. Sebab utama seseorang membenci anda adalah kerana dia ingin menjadi seperti anda.
>4. Senyuman daripada anda boleh membawa kebahagiaan kepada seseorang, walaupun dia tidak menyukai anda.
>5. Setiap malam ada seseorang mengingati anda sebelum dia tidur.
> >6. Anda amat bermakna dalam hidup seseorang.
>7. Kalau bukan kerana anda, seseorang itu tidak akan hidup bahagia.
> >8. Anda seorang yang istimewa dan unik.
> >9. Seseorang yang anda tidak ketahui menyayangi anda.
> >10. Apabila anda membuat kesilapan yang sangat besar, ada hikmah disebaliknya.
> >11. Sekiranya anda merasakan anda dipinggirkan, fikirlah semula; mungkin anda yang meminggirkan mereka.
> >12. Apabila anda terfikir anda tidak mempunyai peluang untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang anda ingini, mungkin anda tidak akan memperolehinya, tetapi sekiranya anda percaya pada diri sendiri lambat-laun anda akan >memperolehinya
> >13. Kenangilah segala pujian yang anda terima. Lupakan segala maki hamun, caci & cela.
> >14. Jangan takut untuk meluahkan perasaan anda; anda akan merasa senang bila seseorang mengetahuinya.
> >15. Sekiranya anda mempunyai sahabat baik, ambillah masa untuk memberitahunya yang dia adalah yang terbaik. Seminit . Hanya seminit diperlukan untuk mendapat sahabat baik, sejam untuk menghargainya, sehari untuk menyayanginya, tapi sepanjang hidup untuk melupakannya. sampaikanlah pesanan ini kepada orang yang anda tidak akan lupa. Ini adalahpesanan pendek untuk menyatakan yang anda sentiasa mengingatinya. Ambillah sedikit masa dan anda sudah pasti memberi keceriaan kepada seseorang atau mungkin mengubah hidup mereka kepada yang lebih baik.

izzit dat' hard

this is not my story....
a friends of my....
enjoy this story all
>>>I have a boyfriend who grew up with me. His name is Jin.
>>>I always thought of him as a friend until last
>>>year, when we went to a trip from a club. I found that I fell in love
>>>with him.
>>>Before that trip was over, I took a step and confessed my love for him.
>>>And soon, we became a pair of lovers, but we loved each other in
>>>different ways.
>>>I always concentrated on him only, but by his
>>>side, there were so many other girls. To me, he was the only one, but to
>>>him, maybe I was just another girl…
>>>“Jin, do you want to go watch a movie?” I asked.
>>>“I can’t”
>>>“Why? You need to study at home?” I felt
>>>grabbing me.
>>>“No… I am going to meet a friend…”
>>>He was always like that.
>>>He met girls in front of me, like it was
>>>To him, I was just a girlfriend.
>>>The word ‘love’ only came o ut from my mouth.
>>>Since I knew him, I had never heard him say ‘I
>>>love you’
>>>To us, there weren’t any anniversaries at all.
>>>He didn’t say anything from the first day and it
>>>till 100 days…200days…
>>>Everyday, before we say goodbye, he would just
>>>hand me a
>>>doll, everyday, without fail. I don’t know why…
>>>Then one day…
>>>Me: Um, Jin, I …
>>>Jin: What…don’t drag, just say..
>>>Me: I love you.
>>>Jin: ……you….um, just take this doll and go home.
>>>That was how he ignored my ‘three words’ and
>>>handed me
>>>the doll.
>>>Then he disappeared, like he was running away.
>>>The dolls I received from him everyday, filled
>>>my room,
>>>one by one. There were many…
>>>Then one day came, my 15th year old birthday.
>>>When I got up in the morning, I pictured a party
>>>with him,
>>>and stranded myself in my room, waiting for his
>>>But… lunch passed, dinner passed… and soon the
>>>sky was
>>>dark… he sti ll didn’t call.
>>>It was already tiring to look at the phone
>>>Then around 2am in the morning, he suddenly
>>>called me
>>>and woke me from my sleep. He told me to come
>>>out of the
>>>Still, I felt joy and I ran out happily.
>>>Me: Jin…
>>>Jin: Here…take this…
>>>Again, he handed me a little doll.
>>>Me: What’s this?
>>>Jin: I didn’t give it to you yesterday, so I am
>>>giving it
>>>to you now. I’m going home now, bye.
>>>Me: Wait, wait! Do you know what today is?
>>>Jin: Today? Huh?
>>>I felt so sad, I thought he would remember my
>>>He turned around and walked away like nothing
>>>Then I shouted…
>>>Jin: You have something to say?
>>>Me: Tell me, tell me you love me…
>>>Jin: What?!
>>>Me: Tell me
>>>I put my pathetic self behind and clung on to
>>>But he just said simple cold words and left.
>>>“I don’t want to say…that I love someone so
>>>easily, if you
>>>are de sperate to hear it, then find someone
>>>That was what he said. Then he ran off.
>>>My legs felt numb…and I collapsed to the ground.
>>>didn’t want to say it easily…
>>>How could he….
>>>I felt that…
>>>Maybe he is not the right guy for me…
>>>After that day, I stranded myself at home
>>>crying, just
>>>He didn’t call me, although I was waiting.
>>>He just continued handing me a little doll every
>>>outside my house.
>>>That’s how those dolls piled up in my room…
>>>After a month, I got myself together and went to
>>>But what made the pain resurface was that… I saw
>>>him on
>>>a street…with another girl…
>>>He had a smile on his face, one that he never
>>>me…as he touched the doll…
>>>I ran straight back home and looked at the dolls
>>>in my
>>>room, and tears fell…
>>>Why did he gave these to me…
>>>Those dolls are probably picked out by some
>>>other girls…
>>>In a fit o f anger, I threw the dolls around.
>>>Then suddenly, the phone rang. It was him.
>>>He told me to come out to the bus stop outside
>>>my house.
>>>I tried to calm myself down and walked to the
>>>bus stop.
>>>I kept reminding myself that I am going to
>>>forget him,
>>>that… it’s going to end.
>>>Then he came into my sight, holding a big doll.
>>>Jin: Jo, I thought you were pissed, you really
>>>I couldn’t help hating him, acting like nothing
>>>had happen
>>>and joking around.
>>>Soon, he held out the doll as usual…
>>>Me: I don’t need it.
>>>Jin: What….why…
>>>I grabbed the doll from his hands and threw it
>>>on the road.
>>>Me: I don’t need this doll, I don’t need it
>>>anymore!! I don’t
>>>want to see a person like you again!
>>>I spitted out all the words that were inside me.
>>>But unlike
>>>other days, his eyes very shaking.
>>>“I’m sorry” He apologized in a tiny voice.
>>>He then walked over to the road to pick up the
>>>Me: You stupid! Why are you picking up the
>>>doll?! Just
>>>throw it away!!!
>>>But he ignored me and just went to pick the
>>>Honk~ Honk~
>>>With a loud honk, a big truck was heading
>>>towards him.
>>>“Jin! Move! Move away!” I shouted…
>>>But he didn’t hear me, he squatted down and
>>>picked up the
>>>“Jin, move!”
>>>“Boom!” That sound, so terrifying.
>>>That’s how he went away from me.
>>>That’s how he went away without even opening his
>>>eyes to
>>>say one word to me.
>>>After that day, I had to go through everyday
>>>with guiltiness
>>>and the sadness of losing him…
>>>And after spending two months like a crazy
>>>I took out the dolls.
>>>Those were the only gifts he left me since the
>>>day we
>>>started going out.
>>>I remembered the days I spent with him and
>>>started to
>>>count the days… when we were in love…
>>>“One…two… three…”
>>>That was how… I started to count the dolls…
>>>“Four hundred and eighty four… four hundred and
>>>It all ended with 485 dolls.
>>>I then started to cry again, with a doll in my
>>>I hugged it tightly, then suddenly…
>>>“I love you~, I love you~”
>>>I dropped the dolls,shocked.
>>>I picked up the dolls and pressed its stomach.
>>>“I love you~ I love you~”
>>>It can’t be!
>>>I pressed all the dolls’ stomach as it piled on
>>>the side.
>>>“I love you~”
>>>“I love you~”
>>>“I love you~”
>>>Those words came out non-stop.
>>>I…love you…
>>>Why didn’t I realize that….
>>>That his heart was always by my side, protecting
>>>Why didn’t I realize that he love me this much…
>>>I took out the doll under the bed and pressed
>>>it’s stomach,
>>>that was the last doll, the one that fell on the
>>>It had his blood stain on it.
>>>The voice came out, the on that I was missing so
>>>“Jo…Do you know what today is? We’ve been loving
>>>each other for 486 days. Do you know what 486 is? I
>>>say I love you…. Um… since I was too shy… If you
>>>forgive me and take this doll, I will say that I
>>>love you…
>>>everyday… till I die… Jo… I love you…”
>>>The tears came flowing out of me. Why? Why? I
>>>god, why do I only know about all this now?
>>>He can’t be by my side, but he loved me until
>>>his last
>>>For that… and for that reason… to me… it became
>>>courage… to live a beautiful life….
>>>It's better to lose your pride with someone you love rather than lose
>>>someone that you love with your useless pride !
>>>sad one eh..+ sweet..
>>>cherish ppl la..no matter wat!!
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