it's a little bit like sengal.. not la hell nmpk cm terok sang plak... idong nie dh asik tesumbat la plak kn... tp alhamdulillah still larat @ besemangat nk g keje... semangat??? huh??? hrmmm... lnh krg la...ok just want to refresh last 2 weekend... ok ari jumaat last 2 weeks g karoeke its like 3 hours... gile kentang...!!! i dun no how much song we choose.. myb almost hundred i think... that nite me, qasha, tika, nabilah, eita, ira n last but not least our only guys syed. thought of dat like i said we still having lots of fun memekik kt c2... at least to release tension afte 5 day works.. like 'super tension'.. hahahahaha...
okay n then saturday last 2 weeks celebrate bday tiqa nordin.. she's like gile surprise!! myb she's didn't xpected we do like that... like dis ahahaha... hahahaha nyanyi jap... eventhough 3 of us.. we still having fun.. like damn fun talking about perkembangan skrang n our old times when in hostel... like crazy... flying overthere overhere... like miss them so much long time not see...

afte dat last saturday we planning to ambush qasha coz sunday is her bday.. all this tyme she always ambush others now its tyme 4 us... but its not like we planned at all... she knows!!! OMG... but wat to do... we still hav to proceed... pe lg tepung menawar la jd nye... everyone runnig to save them self from flour... n then potong kek... they love the cake... me too... its like damn delicious!!! some of her photos wit flour... hahahaaha...
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