Isnin, 19 Julai 2010

pengarang jantong ati saye!!!

my pengarang jantong ati sye!!!! luv them n miss them!!!
now i want to introduce my pengarang jantong ati ku...mereka adalah....

mom and dad... Pn. Amy dan En. Rosli

2. my siblings... i'm gonna be sad coz on 12 dec. my sister gonna get married... i'm happy for her but at the same tyme i'm kind feel lost. coz she the only sister i hav. i hop she'll happily ever after.
my elder brother.. although somtimes he kind of like annoying like damn much... but i still luv him... he's the only little brother i had. we only hav 3 n no matter wat hapen we still loving each other!! but rite now he's far away not like oversea la kt utare je ni ha... n his journey are still long n i hope he'll learn how to live by himself....
last but not least me.. i'm just me... noting can change me... just luv being myself... luv to eat.. haaahha cam promote diri je.. hahahahaha... tp perlu... my mom keep asking me ble ko nk de boypren nie.. ak pn dh penin dh nk jawab nie ha... calon??? ntah la.. de ker??? hard to find... bkn la sye nie memilih tp ntah la.. memilih.???? hrmm... sikit kot.... spe yg x memilih kn.. sume nk yg tebaik. so how??? ak pn x tau la... decision.. desicion... desicion.... hrmmmm.... dh la x yah nk semakkn pkran nie... wat should i do is just enjoy this life while it last rite!!!!last but not least my the very very syg pengarang jantong is....



mereke inilah pengarang jantong ati ye... so cute... so degil... so byk ckp... so mengade2... so gedik... so byk kerenah... suke menari.. suke pukol org... paling dia suke.. suke yak.... hehehehe.. mmg mreke suke.. idunno y. lps mkn je lps mnom susu je mesti yak... x paham ak la.. dh la mkn pn ciput je... ish3... tp nk wat cm ne sye still luv them very much la...

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