Rabu, 21 Disember 2011

Kau rase kau kahwin sejenis Mak Ayah kau BANGGA ke?

semenjak dua tiga hari kebelakangan nie nama Ariff Alfian Rosli sangat hangat diperkatakan... WOW!!! kenapa ye? well mesti la semua orang tahu... kalo search kt google name dia mesti la paling atas sebab paling hangat...

dan untuk pengetahuan even my name is ber-binti kan ROSLI he is not my brother ok and we are not have any relations either blood or whatsoever cuz we are not ok... kecuali la saudara se-Islam (hopefully still Islam and hope that he will realize that how stupid what he hav done!!)

apa yang aku tulis harap tak menyinggung perasaan sesiapa pun juz pendapat dan pandang aku sendiri... andai ada yang terisnggung harap maaf. actually isu ni bukan la nak kate aku nampak dulu... but yes aku rase ak tau dulu then baru la orang laen heboh sebab aku ingat isu nie dah lame dah.. rupa2nye x sampai tengahari lepas ak bukak website tu (biggayweddingprojects) bru la orang laen tau... lepas tu baru la ak tahu... owhhh.. isu nie baru lagi... but yet ak x de pon ek buat link tu kat FB ak...

tak tau la kalau ape yang ak buat nie salah kalau mengaibkan orang ke kan tapi sebab tak dapat nk jumpe face to face bagitau.. so ak rse thru blog nie boleh la kan... first of all... ok memang la kita mempunyai hak untuk buat apa2 je.. tapi kite kene ingat semua ini pinjaman dari Allah semata2 dan ianya akan dikembalikan balik... kenapa bila kita dah berpasang-pasangan (berlainan jantina) still kita nak carik yang sama jenis? ingat 'pasrah itu menyerah, redha itu takdir' - ombak rindu, 2011. kau pasrah dalam melawan nafsu kau sendiri. kau tak boleh lawan. ak boleh paham kalau berlainan jantina sebab tertarik mcm magnet tapi sejenis... serius what r u thinking? sebab tu orang kata meletakkan akal melebihi nafsu. tak tau macam mana kau kawal nafsu kau.

sebelum kau terjerumus pliz la fikir la perasaan orang laen. kau tak sayang ke mak dan ayah kau. mak kau yang mengandungkan menjage kau dari kecik sampai kau besar sampai hampir kau nak berjaya bila dengar kau jadi macam tu apa perasaan mereka? betapa ayah kau bergolok bergadai untuk makesure kau dapat pendidikan yang terbaik dgn harapan satu hari nanti kau akan membalas jasa mereka tapi bile tgk gambar kau tersenyum dgn 'pasangan' kau gembira kau boleh bayangkan tak betapa kecewanya dorang tgk segala senyuman kau, even kalau kau berselisih faham pon dengan parents kau they still ur parents and they want the best utk kau. parents mana nak anak dia jadi macam ni kan... parents mana yang bencikan anak dia? cuba cakap? unless la kalau kau dh terlalu banyak melukakan hati mereka sampai takde ruang maaf utk mereka. tolong la ingat....

kemana agaknya akidah kau? yang nie ak tak kata byk satu je... nie antara kau dengan Allah, mungkin ada sebab yg munasabah sebab apa kau buat mcm ni kan.. but still ak tak boleh fikir sebab apa kau buat macam tu. kalau kau kate kau tetap muslim dan keimanan kau takkan berubah... apa yang kau buat nie pon dah menunjukkan goyahnya iman kau... ak tak de la nak kate yang ak terlalu bagus sampai nak judge orang, tapi ak masih kenal lagi halal dan haram, dosa dan pahala. in fact, apa yang kau buat nie yang membuatkan orang judge kau.

jadi, kepada penama di atas kalau lah anda baca blog ak (kalau la kan) pulang la ke pangkal jalan before its too late and kau dah tak nak buat apa2 dah lepas tu... kau tak kesian ke dekat parents kau? kau dah gagal tu satu hal.. ni kau lagi menambahkan beban hutang yang 'terlalu lah sikit' utk parents kau tanggung adakah tu melambangkan seorang anak yang baik? kau rase apa mak kau nak jawab bila saudara mara kau tanya pasal bende nie dekat parents kau? kau nak dia jawab anak dia dah mati ke? ke kau nak tunggu parents kau dh pejam bru kau nak sedar?? ingat kalau keimanan seseorang kukuh perkara sebegini tak kan terjadi. tolong la ingat....

bende nie aku ckp bkn dekat mamat sorg nie je... tp utk semua yang suka dan tertarik kepada sejenis tak kira lah lelaki ke perempuan ke... tolong la ingat....

semoga anak dan cucu keturunan ak tidak jadi sebegini dan sama2lah kita semua mendoakan kepada Allah agar terpelihara dari sebarang perbuatan keji dan mungkar. AMIN...

Selasa, 1 November 2011

Saya Islam tapi Saya Gay!!

sumber dr google, gambar telebih sensored...

hai uoll's... tibe-tibe pulak aku tertarik psal entry gay nie dr Innani Ariffin... ak buat nie bukan sebab nak trafik ye.. tapi sebab timbul rasa kesedaran aku untuk bagitahu korang semua yang bende nie masalah sosial nie sangat teruk dan melampau. bende nie sebenarnye macam penyakit kanser yang merebak secara perlahan-lahan kita tak sedar pon tahu-tahu je padam!!! see... ini ke yang kita nak terjadi dalam masyarakat kita hari nie.. sedarlah wahai manusia....

Sesungguhnya Allah menjadikan manusia itu berpasang-pasangan berlainan jenis (jantina) bukan dari sama jenis (jantina)

klik utk paparan yg lebih jelas

artikel di atas adalah kata-kata yang keluar dari mulut lelaki sendiri, dia x peduli Tuhan murka atau tak... kau biar betol bro... kau kate x dapat balasan... kau kene ingt balasan Tuhan atau lambat kau tak boleh mempersoalkan Dia yang Maha Mengetahui. mungkin Allah tak turunkan sekarang sebab dia ada perancangan lain untuk kau... mungkin kau kene penyakit sifilis ( aku tak sure betul ke tak tapi yang ak tahu bende nie adalah penyakit dekat bahagian kemaluan lelaki) bila kau dh semakin berusia, atau mungkin jugak bile kau nk bertaubat bro.. kau dh kawen dan ade anak sume.. pastu anak kau pulak ikot jejak langkah kau dulu... kau nak... (aku tak tau la kau nk bertaubat ke tak... tapi harap kau bertaubat la....

tapi yang aku tak paham nie bro.... kenapa kau perlu keluarkan ayat 'Saya mengaku saya seorang Islam tetapi saya tak menafikan bahawa saya seorang gay. And I'm proud of it!' WTF!! tolong la jgn memalukan agama Islam bila kau ckp macam tu...

kau kate bro kau dh bosan bila orang bagi nasihat dekat kau... kepale kau.... orang bagi nasihat dekat kau bersebab... kita sebagai umat Islam bila nampak orang buat salah tak kira lah seagama dgn kita atau tak wajib tegor tapi bukan lah dgn sound orang tu dan memalukan dia... tapi tegor secara berhemah... kalo tak bencana Allah akan turunkan... kau nk jadi macam peristiwe Nabi Luth a.s yang mana Allah turunkan bencana yang sangat dasyat smpi x de satu orang pon yang terlepas kecuali mereka yang beriman. Bro... pikir lah... aku bukan lah nak kate ak nie pandai sangat agama tapi tak de la sampai aku tak tahu membezakan yang mana halal dan haram...

tapi aku agak musykil sikit sebab.... mereka-mereke nie... tak kan tak mendapat pendidikan agama dulu?? mesti cikgu dulu ada bagitau kan... tentang halal dan haram dan perbuatan yang dikeji oleh Allah... ok tapi mungkin betol la ape orang cakap... bila nafsu dah menguasai... semua tu tak ingat...

tapi ade betul jugak pendapat sesetengah membe ak nie...

klik utk paparan yg lebih jelas

sebab persekitaran... but still... this is a serius matter for the future generation... korang sume nak ke masa hadapan nanti apa yang tinggal untuk umat manusia bila perlakuan ini semakin berleluasa malah di negara-negara luar semakin membenarkan undang-undang untuk perkahwinan sejenis!!! tak tahu la nak cakap macam mana....

satu je aku boleh cakap... ini menandakan manusia dah berada di akhir zaman...

Khamis, 27 Oktober 2011

what's your number??

what's your number??? me i think 0!!! what??? none??? yup... none... well, i'm proud of it... hahhahaaha... it not pathetic ok... its not like 'that average women would fall for a guy before they meet the right person is 10.5?? what??!! its too low!!!' (anna faris said)... hahahaha

yesterday i supposed having outing photography with my classmate, but since i don't know the place and i don't have their number (brilliant is it?) so i make my own pit stop at alamanda watching movie.. alone!! so sad... well it is not like i don't have any friends... i called them but since they all busy with their things so i decided watching movies alone since my number is 0 right?? hahahaha...

it feels good what watching alone with love story movies and i seat between couple people beside me... such brilliant!!! well WHO CARE right!!! as long as i can watch it...

what's your number... hrmmm... from what i can tell is yup... it is strictly for adult only... hahahaha... i don't know with guys beside me.. what they fell when the horny part appeared with his girlfriend... hahahaha.... this is the craziest thing i ever done!! but i think i'm gonna do it again... and nothing to waste since i'm only buy mineral water... wow!!!

so hot!!

yes... i admit chris evans is so damn HOT!!! in this movie... i could not take my eye over him!!! well i'm just his ordinary fans nothing can be proud unless he want to date with me!!! (dreaming!!!) hahahaahaha....

but seriesly he is HOT!!! is there any guy like him??? i'll definitely marry him!!! hahahaha... his acting like so real and all i can say is he is so HOTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!

okay enough of it.

she's like britney in this picture

anna faris... what can i say is when she acting, she just like cutey and what so ever... but overall her acting is good... she's definitely like this kind of character you know... like a little stupid yet cute and sexy in her own way also her eyes are round. hahahaha

well i give this movie 4.5 star... not bad actually.... and you guys should watch it.

p/s: i think i'm gonna watch real steel alone!! hahahaaha

Nikon D3100

kamere nie not bad... spesifikasi dia ok... suitable for amateur yg baru nk cuba dlm bidang photography... serius... not bad...


Jumaat, 21 Oktober 2011

I'm March... what yours???

Loves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves to takes things at the centre. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn’t pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Brave and fearless. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care to cont...rol emotions. Unpredictable.
Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND sexiest of them MFE.

Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. sexiest out of everyone.A real speed demon. Has more than one best friend. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.

Drop dead gorgeous!!! Attractive personality. Very sexy!!. Affectionate & Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Chatterbox! Loves to talk alot! Loves to get their way! . Unbelievable kisser! Easily angered. Very stubborn in the most way possible! Loves to get noticed! Willing to take risks for others. Makes good choices. Has a great fashion sense! Maybe a little too popular with others . Outgoing and crazy at times! Intelligent. Can sometimes be a heartbreaker! Can love as much as possible! Hates insults. Loves compliments! and quiet the charmer. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. The best in bed out of the other 11 months!! Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Observant and assesses others.likes to keep theyre crushes kinda secret.pretty much flawless.

Suave and compromising.. Funny and humorous. Stubborn. Very talkative. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal. Does work well with others. Very confident. Sensitive.. Positive Attitude. Thinking generous. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Able to cheer everyone up and/or make them laugh. Able to motivate oneself and others. Understanding. Fun to be around. Outgoing. Hyper. Bubbly personality. Secretive. Boy/girl crazy. Loves sports, music, leisure and travelling. Systematic.. Hot but has brains.

Hella sexy, loves sex n making luv, tends to be SOOOOO hott!! Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people’s problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Usually you have many friends. Enjoys to make love. Emotional. Stubborn. Hasty. Good memory. Moving, motivates oneself and others. Loves to travel and explore. Sometimes sexy in a way that only their lover can understand.

Fun to be with. Loves to try new things. Boy/girls LOVE you. You are very hott. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takesrep pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people’s feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly.spazzy at times.Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover.

You’ve got the best personality and are an absolute pleasure to be around. You love to make new friends and be outgoing. You are a great flirt and more than likely have a very attractive partner, a wicked hottie. Like somebody with a JUNE brithday. It is also more likely than that you have a massive record collection. When it comes to films, you know how to pick them and may one day become a famous actor/actress yourself - heck, you’ve got the looks for it!!!

outgoing personality. takes risks. feeds on attention. self control. kind hearted. Self confident. loud and boisterous. VERY revengeful. easy to get along with and talk to. has an “every thing’s peachy” attitude. likes talking and singing. loves music. daydreamer. easily distracted. Hates not being trusted. BIG imagination. loves to be loved. hates studying. in need of “that someone”. longs for freedom. rebellious when withheld or restricted. lives by “no pain no gain” caring. always a suspect. playful. mysterious. “charming” or “beautiful” to everyone. stubborn. curious.. independent. strong willed. a fighter.

Loves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves to takes things at the centre. Great in bed. Inner and physical beauty. Doesn’t pretend. Gets angry often. A meaningful love life partner. Makes right choices. Treats friends importantly. Brave and fearless. Always making friends. Does not harm others. It is all about love and fairness. Easily hurt and hard to recover. Daydreamer and does fullfill. Opinionated. Does not care to control emotions. Knows what to do, to have fun. Unpredictable. Someone to have close to you. Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND sexiest of them all.

Trustworthy and loyal. Very passionate and dangerous. Wild at times. Knows how to have fun. Sexy and mysterious. Everyone is drawn towards your inner and outer beauty and independent personality. Playful, but secretive. Very emotional and temperamental sometimes. Meets new people easily and very social in a group. Fearless and independent. Can hold their own. Stands out in a crowd. Essentially very smart. Usually, you ever begin a relationship with someone from this month, hold on to them because their one of a kind.

Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Shy towards opposite sex. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck.. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves travelling. Dislike being at home. Restless. having many children. Hardworking. High spirited.

This straight-up means ur the most good-looking Loyal and generous. Patriotic. Competitive in everything. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Easy to talk to, though hard to understand. Thinks far with vision, yet complicated to know. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots of ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Shy towards opposite sex. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Loves freedom. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves travelling. Dislike being at home. Restless. having many children. Hardworking. High spirited .

was taken from BOB ONG Quotes

Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011


Kalau kita sukakan seseorang,
jangan beritahu si dia.
Nanti Allah kurangkan rasa cinta padanya
Tapi luahkan pada Allah,
beritahulah Allah.
Allah Maha mengetahui siapa jodoh kita ..

Cintai Dia Dalam Diam,
Dari Kejauhan Dengan Kesederhanaan & Keikhlasan

sesungguhnya Dia lebih mengetahui

Jika benar cinta itu kerana ALLAH maka biarkanlah ia mengalir mengikut aliran ALLAH kerana hakikatnya ia berhulu dari ALLAH maka ia pun berhilir hanya kepada ALLAH
"Dan segala sesuatu Kami ciptakan berpasang-pasangan supaya kamu mengingat kebesaran ALLAH."
(Adz Dzariyat : 49)

Tetapi jika kelemahan masih nyata dipelupuk mata maka bersabarlah, berdoalah & berpuasalah
"Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina; sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji.
Dan suatu jalan yang buruk."
(Al Israa' : 32 )

Ketika kau mendambakan sebuah cinta sejati yang tak kunjung datang,
Allah SWT mempunyai Cinta dan Kasih yang lebih besar dari segalanya & Dia telah menciptakan sseorang yang akan menjadi pasangan hidupmu kelak.
Ketika kau merasa bahawa kau mencintai seseorang,
namun kau tahu cintamu tak terbalas
Allah SWT tahu apa yang ada di depanmu & Dia sedang mempersiapkan segala yang terbaik untukmu

Cukup cintai dalam diam
bukan kerana membenci hadirnya
tetapi menjaga kesuciannya
bukan kerana menghindari dunia
tetapi meraih syurga-NYA
bukan kerana lemah untuk menghadapinya
tetapi menguatkan jiwa dari godaan syaitan yang begitu halus & menyelusup

Cukup cintai dari kejauhan
kerana hadirmu tiada kan mampu menjauhkan dari ujian
kerana hadirmu hanya akan menggoyahkan iman dan ketenangan
kerana mungkin membawa kelalaian hati-hati yang terjaga

Cukup cintai dengan kesederhanaan
Memupuknya hanya akan menambah penderitaan
menumbuhkan harapan hanya akan membumbui kebahagiaan para syaitan

Cintailah dengan keikhlasan
Kerana tentu kisah Fatimah dan Ali Bin Abi Talib diingini oleh hati
tetapi sanggupkah jika semua berakhir seperti sejarah cinta Salman Al Farisi..??
".. boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu.
ALLAH mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui."
(Al Baqarah : 216 )

Jangan memberi harapan pada yang belum pasti,
kelak ada insan yang bakal dilukai,
Jangan menaruh harapan pada yang belum tentu dimiliki,
nanti hati yang kecewa sendiri.
gantunglah segenap pengharapanmu kepada Yang Maha Memberi,
nescaya dirimu tak sesekali dizalimi,
kerana Dia mendengar pengharapanmu setiap kali & Dia menunaikannya dgn cara-Nya yang tersendiri

Cukup cintai dalam diam dari kejauhan dengan kesederhaan & keikhlasan
Kerana tiada yang tahu rencana Tuhan
mungkin saja rasa ini ujian yang akan melapuk atau membeku dengan perlahan

Kerana hati ini begitu mudah untuk dibolak-balikkan
serahkan rasa itu pada Yang Memberi dan Memilikinya
biarkan DIA yang mengatur semuanya hingga keindahan itu datang pada waktunya
"Barangsiapa yang menjaga kehormatan orang lain, pasti kehormatan dirinya akan terjaga."
(Umar Bin Khattab ra)

If you really love her, you won’t touch her.
Not even the slightest bit.
You’ll protect her dignity and sacredness as a muslimah.
Just hold her in your heart for a few more years ..
then you can do it the halal way

“Sesiapa sahaja yang memberi kerana Allah, menolak kerana Allah, mencintai kerana Allah,membenci kerana Allah & menikah kerana Allah, maka bererti ia telah sempurna imannya.”
(HR. Al-Hakim)


Rabu, 28 September 2011

Sangat SAKIT!!

assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera...

nie nk tnye nie... korang pernah kena urut tak? nie bkn paten urut dekat spa tu ek... nie urut tradisional mari.... tgn mak cik2 o nenek2... pernah??

haaa... kalo tak pernah meh nak habak... sakit siot!!! tp nk buat macam mane kan.. urut tu kan elok untuk kite... hahahaha

tapi nasib baek la kaki aku nie tak cepat sgt... hahahaha... lg pon nenek kan... kalo orang muda macam ak... memang dah kena dah satu kali... bkn pe dia refleks tau!!! hahahaahaha


sebenanye nk bgtau je urut tu sakit... hahahahaaha... nasib la ak tahan gaks... kalo tak.. meleleh gak doh.... hahahaahaha

ok lah dh byk sgt gelak dh nie... kang de yang menangis plak nie... hahahaaha

Isnin, 26 September 2011

My 1st job as a photographer...

i'm so xcited!!! well rite know ukm are having convocation so i n my friend decided to looking side income... how??? well since i have my dslr camera so we are searching people ho need our service to take picture for them... its simple because we give 1 hour duration to take picture as many as we can i mean unlimited that's how the process... then we burn to dvd and post it to them.

my customer

well we only got 1 customer, not bad for the 1st try i think, we hav to work hard to finish it + edit the picture to look as cool as it might be... who know when they want more our service when they see the picture not bad as they think rite... hahahahaha... hopefully...

ok dh abes dlm bhase inggeris... hahaahhaa... kne practice la even cm haram je kn... sbb since i'm continue my degree and it has to be 100% in english WHAT THE HELL???!! well let it be hell lah kan... hahaahahaha

bile tengok mereke2 nie konvo tetibe i teringat plak mase i konvo dulu... x de la lame sgtkn nmpk sgt ak dh tua kan... sorry skit ye i mude lg ok... tgk dorg konvo... n then their friends are coming over to see them and even their boyfriend... aku??? its not ak tak besyukur... well ak sgt bersyukur that mse ak konvo family ak ade same.. i'm really thankful u know... cume ye la manusia kan... tak penah syukur dgn pe yg ade... kadang2 teringin la kan... tgk friends and bf dtg... siap bwk bear besar lg... jeles i tau... hahahaha... friends dtg bg bunge bf dtg bg bear x pnoh tgk ko??

ak tyme konvo mmg la de rmai kwn.. satu kos kn... they r like my close friends... tp nk buat cm ne kan... de gak kwn yg bile kwn dia konvo dia siap balik lg umah... ak tak tau la... malas nk kate pape kn... bg ak no komen.. cume agak terkilan... ye la kan kwn konvo at least share la happiness... tp ak malas nk ckp la... bg ak bia la... mungkin dia ade alasan sendri kn... for bf tu... hahahaaha... dh ak x de bf nk wat cm ne kn... -->> padan muke ko azah!! hahahaha...

dh2 end of story... hahahahaha
well kne usahe lg nie... chayok2 azah... hahahaaha

kelas minggu nie kne prepare... byk bnde la kne buat... adesss... soklan yg dia bg pon x jwb lg.. pe la nasib.... hahahahaaha... gelak la sorang2 ko azah... hahaahahaha....

Rabu, 10 Ogos 2011


last year i already talk about dreams... now its time for me to make it come true.... n first wish is already done... my car... my own car... even my dad help me with the down payment but stil i have to pay monthly... and guess what that's my first tyme berhutang dgn bank la... dgn org setakat nie x de.. tp kalo ade mungkin x ingt... (mintak tlg ingtkn balik la ye)... sbb PTPTN pon i x apply... so Alhamdulillah... tp bkn scholarship PA&MA ok... i dpt biasiswa YAYASAN KUOK.. pelik kn bunyi nye.. tp still de....

cantik tak!!! hehehe
currently this is my no.1 priority and my No.1 BF... lalala

actually kereta nie tak terpikir langsung nak beli sekarang... sbb plan maybe dalam 2-3 tahun lg... tp ntah... tetibe je tebeli... boleh tak mcm tu... hahahaha.... bkn 2-3 tahun x smpi 2-3 minggu... gile kan... sbb nye bepunce mase tu kami (ayah, mak, and me) pergi econsave... pastu de la myvi bukak booth kat situ.. kami pon test la masuk verangan mcm kete sendiri... hahaha... pastu..

ayah: cantik gak kan myvi baru nie
me: cantik gak la yah... nape ayah nak beli ker?
ayah: cube tnye org tu kalau trade in satria tu brape?
me: bang! kalo trade in satria brape ek?
abg jual kete: tgk la.. dlm 7-12k...
(ayah temunung) (aku senyum je) (mak dah buat muka dah)
mak: kate x nak beli kete lg...

ayah: alah... kete satria tu pon dh lame dh... kalo nk repai
r sme je... kang rosak balik kang
me: tu la mak... tp ajah x kesah... hehehehehe

ayah: tak pe lah tgk la mcm mne nnt...

esok nye kakak n abg ipa balik umah

ayah: jah ko tunjuk kt apek (abg ipa) cantek x myvi bru nie
apek: mane? (ak bg katalog) cantek gaks...

kakak: ko nk bli ker?

me: ak x kesah... boleh je baya...

ayah: tapi ayah ingt nk trade in satria nie... (ak senyum)

kakak: alah yah... x yah la
ayah: kete tu pon dh lame dh.. kalo ujan air masok

apek: btol2... ko tgk kt mane?
me: econsave
apek: la... kan kt blakan
g nie de kedai perodua.. g je la tgk kt sane...
ayah: a'ah.. pegi la tgk... (ak senyum)

apek: jom pegi jom.. ptg nnt.. kite tgk je la dulu... tepulang la kalo ko nk beli ke tak
balik dari perodua...
ayah: cm ne ko nk x?
me: ajah x kesah

ayah: ko bleh baya x?

me: boleh je (sambil snyum)

apek: dia nk la tu yah... hahahaha (sengal btol)
ayah: ko tpon dia... tnye bile dia nk tgk kete... kalau selase nie boleh x?

me: ok... (smbil senyum lebar)

then selase tu tgk... deal hage... deal kete sume bagai... 2minggu lps tu sain agreement.. n minggu lg satu kete smpi... yakni minggu lps... so now sedang bebahagia dgn kete baru... hahahahaha...

itu yang pertama...

yang kedua nya Alhamdulillah is... yup i'm going
to continue my study... yup... nie pon same gaks.. planning 2-3 tahon lg... last2... minggu nie ak kne register utk PJJ degree... adeyh... in PR... masak wa.... hahahahaha

saya berase sgt xcaited skrang

so skrang nie.. pe yg ak kne pk is... $$$$... duit.. duit... dan duit.... lalalalalala (gile sebentar)
so lps nie pndai2 la ak wat calculation utk sumenye... like.. nk servis kete, roadtax kete, insurans kete every year, yuran utk every semester.. plus i de buy sumting kt my fwen... so pndai2 kau la azah.... jgn x beraye suda... tp yg paling menghairankan is.. sume nk tyme raye nie datang serentak.... hhahahahaha... rezeki namenye....

duit... duit... duit...


p/s: sesiape ade care utk carik duit lebih selain maen kutu... sile regoer2 i ok... haahahaha

Isnin, 30 Mei 2011

buat kali kedua... air mata ini mengalir

*ehsan google

jgn skali2 anda percaya ngan entry nie.... hahahaahaha
air mata mengalir.... hrmmmm.... mmg tebaek la...
semalam g facial abes dia belek satu muke nie.... dia korek2 muke ak... sakit doh!!!!!
walaupon x de la ak menangis smpi teresak2.... tp air mate yang laju mengalir nie.... menandakan betapa sakit nye!!!! hahahaha

org kate nk cantek kene la tahan sakit kan... yup mmg sye sedang tahan sakit!!!!... hahahaha

walaupon org 2 kate tahan sikit ye... mmg sakit sikit je lakan!!! nasib baek la utk facial... kalo x... mmg org 2 dh kene TANGAN ngan ak dh... hahahaaha (sory akak ye)

tp apa pun bnde nie satu pengalaman yg bru la utk diri ini... sbb actually best la muke dia urut dia picit sume bagai kan... cume yg x best 2 part nk kuarkn black n white head je... itu je.. other than that everyting is fine... heheheehehe

tp today i dapat pujian dr akak ofis.. dia kate muke i nie... nmpk lg cantik dr dulu la.. (walaupon dulu cantek gak kan... hahahaahaha --->>> sgt la prasan!!!)

wat's your story??...

p/s: beauty is pain... lalalalala

Jumaat, 27 Mei 2011

Kesian ke anda kalau x de BoyFriend??

Kesian ke kalau x de boyfriend?? of kos nope.... banyak benda yang kita bleh je buat without a boyfriend(BF)...

BF nie actually for me... from my opinion bkn nye satu keperluan sgt.. misal kate la kalo x de BF nie ko bleh mati, tidak kan. how come anda boleh mati sbb x de BF? anda boleh hidup tanpa MAKAN dan MINUM x? mestilah TAK kan... so mne lebih penting? mesti lah perot kne isi kan.. hahahaha (sorry boys.. but this is a fact)

wat? nk ckp ak suke mkn?? mmg ak suke mkn... ade ak kisah??? nope...

ok lah.. myb ade antare nye mmg lah x bleh idop kalo x de BF kan... ok.. u guys can carry on...

kebaikan ada BF?? hrmmmm.... ntah la.... bg ak same je.. ade ke x de... OK.. ENTRY NIE BKN UTK AK NK CARIK MAKET KE APE OK... NIE DARI PANDANGAN AKU JE.

bkn ak x pnah ade BF ok... ade!! mase dulu la... x de la dulu sgt... tp the point is ade la... cume sekejap je... sbb ak x bleh cope ngan care dia treat ak... bkn la dia tendang ke lempang ak ke pe kan... cume... attitude dia bkn melambang kan profesion dia... pe kene mengene attitude ngan profesion??? contoh la... kalo BF ko cikgu.. pas2 bile kuar ngan korg siap nk cium2 bagai wat the hell!! kan...

i admit cikgu pon manusia gak... tp dia as pendidik they should know what is wrong n rite... they hav to control their lust!! myb x sume mcm 2... tp mmg ade la.. hahahaha.... tu kalo cikgu.. kalo ustaz?? korg nk kate pe plak?? ak tau ayat stereotaip-->> manusia sume same... nafsu
bagi ak TAK!!! ak x bleh trime kalo dh name nye pendidik perangai mcm 2... mcm mne dia nk ajar anak murid dia??? kalo aja skolah laki2 bleh la kan.... kalo aja skolah pempuan??? (jawab sndri ok) tp bleh gak kan kalo g**.... korg paham2 sndri la kan... tapi x baek kan ckp psal keburukan org... -ok end of discussion!!-

back to the topic...
kasihan ke? ak x rase kasihan... sbb ko ade ramai kawan... for those who dun hav a BF u should hav lots of friends!!! sbb ko bleh begumbira dgn kwn2... kalo ko kuar ngan BF ko n ngan kengkwn korg.. mesti la BF korg nk bekepit ngan korg kan... (myb x sume tp selalunye.. 80% myb) kajian akan dijalankan dan selalunye melalui pemerhatian ak...

but when u go out wit ur friends.. x de org yg akan halang pe yg korg nk buat... sbb kalo ngan BF nk buat 2 nk buat nie sume kne bgtau BF anda kan... bkn ke kalo nk buat sumting mintak kebenaran ibu bapa anda.. itu yg lebih wajib kan... BF blom tentu akan jadi HUSBAND anda... kalo jd... alhamdulillah.... tp kalo korg tnye membe korg 2 mesti dia ckp --->> ak nk mempraktik kan utk mse dpn... ok fine.... layan kan je.... tak pon ak kne jujur ngan dia... nnt dia marah... actually this is all about trust... if u trust ur partner, then it should be ok...

tapi sebenarnya ini semua hanya dari pandangan mata aku je... tapi kalau korg x bersetuju, its okay then. Malaysia nie kan semua org berhak bersuara... pape pon.. peace yaww....

~~the end~~

Khamis, 5 Mei 2011

aku takkan salah kan kucing sbb dia haiwan....


kucing... haiwan yg sgt comel (haiwan kesayangan Abu Hurairah -kalau x silap) mne boleh ak salah kn kucing.. haiwan yg mempunyai otak tp x d kurniakan akal... dia x tau fikir ape2 pun... pe yg dia tau... bile lapa dia makan, bila ngantok dia tido, bile haus dia minum bile nk kencing n 'eek' dia pon wat.. tp haiwan kalo d ajar dia pon bleh jd pandai kan...

tp kenapa manusia nie bile dh bekali2 CAKAP bekali2 BAGITAU still x tau ek??!!! bodoh ker?? tp nmpk cm x... PEKAK ker? tp bleh dgr plak org cakap... BISU ker?? tp kalau marah org no.1.. bleh plak cakap.... mcm mne bile org cakap x tau plak?? hrmmmm..... peliks kan....

isn't it cute n lovely??

nk d jd kn crite kt snie kan... de la jiran ak nie (bkn nk memburukkn beliau hanya sekadar luahan hati seorg jiran yg dh lame bertahan) dia bela kucing... its ok la dia punye suke la kan... infact... i do love cats... a lovely creature...

tp yg ak x tahan 2... bile dh bela kucing paham2 sndri la bersih kn tmpt kucing 2... dr dia berak, kencing, makan.... bau kencing kucing kan sengit (saya yakin anda sume penah terbau) sume kene bersihkan nnt x de la de bakteria ke o kuman ke kan....

ak bkn x pnah bela kucing nie.. pnah tp sekejap.. myb sbb kucing x serasi ngan family ak kot... mak ak serasi jage anak org je.... sbb kucing2 b4 dis bile mak ak dh sayang... tetibe je dia menghilangkn diri...

bebalik jiran ak nie... dh la ngan bau sengit kencing kucing 2... kandang kucing 2 plak btol2 dia ltak kt tepi pintu umah ak... agak2 lakan... cbe letak dpn pintu umah dia... angin tolak bau yg wangi 2 masok umah dia... pe dia rse agaknye?? selese kot???

serius ari2 kot bau.. kuat pulak 2.. spe tahan der.... kalian tahan??? tp 2 la... kucing dia x pnah lepas... sgt kesian... lps 2 bile musim mengawan... kesian la kucing 2.. (kalian paham kan npe) x d bagi lepas... how u fill??? mcm manusia la sme kan?

kucing pon bleh syang sesame mereke....

yg tuan dia nie jenis x paham bahase plak... bile org ckp elok2.. d tempik nye org 2.. spe brani dekat??? dh la x pnah senyum... dulu la pnah... sebelom belaku konflik... yg dia mulakan dulu... ak pon x paham manusia nie... hmmmm

payah kn org mcm nie bile nk ckap... bile nk bg nasihat d templak plak... kalo x bg... sndri yg merana... dahhhh.. mkn la ati ko zah... heheheehehe (ketawe duka)

lps 2 kalo cuci najis kucing 2.. ade ke dia pegi campak kt pasu bunge mak?? pandai x pandai org 2??? mmg la sgt pandai.. abes mati sume pokok bunge mak... kalo bleh jd baje x pe la... x marah.. terkilan pon tidak -->> lagu anggun

pas2 keliling umah dia adang tarok kain konon2 bau x smpi umah ak agaknye... pnah skali dia tarok perfume kt sangkar 2 (hahahaha.. ketawe jap) tp sekali je dia buat.. pas 2 haram dia wat lg....

cube senyum....

bak kate malique n najwa
senyum.... tak perlu kata apa2
senyum... tak perlu kata apa2

nota kaki:
sbb 2 ak x salahkn kucing kalo dh jd cm 2

sabar je la ngan jiran mcm 2 kan... hmmmm...
mmg ko mkn ati je la zah ari2

Rabu, 4 Mei 2011

Secretary Weeks

it was happening last week at Swiss Garden Hotel and Resorts, KL
it was really2 fun+enjoy+xcitement+happening+learn new things... sgt la seronok!!!

we start wit Friday nite... Dinner Tyme n Malam Perasmian... d Grand Ballroom Hibiscus.. pack... ramai yg hadir....

amaran: dlm nie mmg byk sgt gamba kami... so jgn muntah plak bile dh tgk smpi abes.. n dun say anyting....

Malam Perasmian + Dinner (1st day)

nie la table ktorg.... it fits 4 10 peoples... makanan mlm 2 adalah chinese food... quiet amazing n ye la kan dh tekak jawa... x de la msok sgt... jus try new things... heheheehe... n not bad at all... u guys should try it...

band of the day... of kos from UKM it self... bajet... hehehehe

ok... TNC dh smpi... tyme utk perasmian
bdk2 kecik nie chomel dorg menari.... thumbs up!

me wit syud.. tyme nie ngah dgr dorg becakap n ngah 2gu makanan... heheheehe

tika wit the akaks2.... lalalala

bukti nye... lalalalala --->> poyo giler!!!

this is the menu... check it out!!!

1st menu yg smpi... sdap la... i like... tp tang sotong 2 kureng sikit....

sup dia kaye ngan bahan2 yg sye suke... lots of prawn.. heheehe
byk lg yg d hidangkn

ok yg nie x tau sgt pe name dia... n of kos i dun like.. looks plain... dh rse tp cm tasteless.... so i avoid it... hahahahaha
byk lagi type food yg dia idang kn.... i malas nk amik gamba.... like butter prawn n chicken

from left AZIZAH, SYUD N me

from left TIKA, SYUD N me.. -->> again!!!

nie meje ktorg... smpt lg kan snap bagai.. tp gamba nie gne kemere mahal... hehehehe DSLR la katekan... lalalala

tngkp gamba ngan penari cilik.... hebat dorg menari... yg laen ala2 nk gak la kan... lalalala

kami nie mmg la sgt suke amik gamba... lagi2 kalo gne kamere mahal kan... hahahaha

me alone amik gamba kt snie... sje je.. mengisi mase lapang

ala2 mcm reunion plak kan... HIDUP PSIS!!!! HIDUP DSK!!!.. hahahaha

tyme nie nk amik gamba ngan syed plak lah...

artis jemputan x laen dan x bukan... RAJA AZURA!!! clap ur hands everyone!!!

isn't she lovely???

Queen of the day!!! baju paling vogue!!! u know wat i means rite???

nyanyi la lagi 1 Malaysia.... ala2 patriotik gitu...

again us....


dan lagi...???? FYI.. dia picture i like the most... n i put it as desktop background!!! wow!!!

lagi begamba dgn kanak2 cilik...

begamba ramai2.... s/u everyone!!

x tau nk ckp pe... kt dlm lif pon nk tngkp gamba kan... ish3

like i said... we love taking picture....

nk balik bilik pon smpt lg snap... heheehehehe

Seminar day (day 2)

~~~~ senget....~~~~~


me wit Kiah

taking picture infront of swimming pool... x mandi pon... hahahaha (tekilan)
amik gamba pon jadi la kan.... hahahaha...
rmai gak mat salih rupenye... berbikini...~~~

kempunan la nie... hahahaha

gamba pon berbaloi... untung2 de mamat ensem utk d amik gamba... (azah gile)
too bad x de... gone already... hahahahha (mmg azah gile)

again... lif n lif n lif... x tau pe keistimewaan nye....

bile dkat semina de photographer.. cm nie la gayenye... hahahahaa... (unfocus!!)

tyme praktikal pon snap gak... nasib ko la bro jd photographer... hahahaha

sme la nie... dh abaikan la sume gamba nie... (andai kalian jeles) hahahaaha

tyme nie... bkn bro nie yg nak amik gamba kami...
kami yg kate...
'bang tngkp gamba ktorg bang'

pabila anda jd ketua... tanggungjwb haruslah dipikul.... lalalala

mereke ni adalah insan yg bertuah....
a very lucky people.... lalalaalala

Malam Gala Night (day 2)

again me after makeup n sort of....
npe byk gamba i?
sbb nie blog i
sbb nie kamere i....
so... dun jeles.... lalalalala

more picture.....

nie bkn kamere i.... abg photographer punye... dia nk tngkp kami posing... ok...

i dunno y all of them (include me) chasing after the abg photographer.... hahahaha
jus admit it girls n camera x bleh berpisah... hahahaha

they r the very lucky people....
perfomance on stage...
n dpt adiah...
ade sorg kwn menyatakan penyesalan nya krn tidak tergolong d dlm 'the very lucky people'

bile sume org berdansa.. adakah anda akan duduk sendirian di atas kerusi anda???
sama skali tidak kan.... hahahhaa

tons of picture

tea time...

x tau npe nk amik gamba kt snie...

sye dgn super senior DSK PSIS dulu... now as S/U to Pengarah PSIS till we meet again sis...

Last day (day 3)

adakah kerane boring so they react like this when i take this picture....

gamba ngan syud... again....

from left AZIZAH, HAZIRAH, N me... (ak suke maketkn kwn ak nie)
'HAI' hazirah!!....

wit them.... from rite NAZATUL, SYUD N me...

last day... begamba ngan penceramah.. she looks young than her age...
bleh plak mse salam siap cubit2 pipi i nie... ades!!! hahahaaha
siap tnye umo lg... calon menantu... hahahaaha....

nota kaki:
mcm2 funny this happen to us... especially Hazirah la kan.... hahahaaha
hai hai bye bye la.... lalalalala

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