malaysia... happy birthday!!! chukka amida!!!(bhse korea x tau la btol ke x) nothing interesting...
just usual... ingt nk sambot tp cm mlas je kan.. so duduk je la umah. layan novel n layan movie..
patriotik ke ak?? nahh... not that kipas susah nk mati (die hard fan) 4 malaysia.. jahat kan??
actually just sempoi2 je...
malaysia in my heart??? i guess.. (mmg bkn rakyat yg sejati) hakhakhakhak...
tp wat eve pon... this is my country where i born, where i grow up, where i find knowledge, where i work.. currently rite now (x sedar2 lg nie) lalalalala... n of couse where i want to buried my body when i'm dead (a harsh word i guess..) means when i'm gone la.... (dlm ayat lembutnye) hikhikhik...
love ur country??? as long as i feel safe here (i guess).. i luv my country...
i luv malaysia very much la!!!!!

malaysia flag of course!!
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